Collapsible Captions
Through the Missouri Department of Agriculture's administrative rule review, we will be accepting written comments for all rules administered by the department. Please choose a topic below to review applicable rules and provide comment.
The primary responsibilities of this division are to provide marketing services to producers, distributors and consumers of agricultural commodities and to administer the funds of the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation.
The primary responsibilities of the Administrative Services Division are public information, administration of the corporate farm law and providing staff services to all divisions of the Department of Agriculture. The duties consist of recruitment and evaluation of personnel, record maintenance, informational services, printing, corporate farm registration and statistical services.
The animal health program’s primary responsibility is to control and eradicate livestock diseases to insure optimum health of Missouri’s livestock population. This responsibility is carried out through various subprograms such as disease control and eradication, animal health laboratories, livestock market licensing and surveillance registration of livestock dealers, rendering plant licensing and dead animal surveillance and registration of livestock brands.
The purpose of the State Fair is to encourage the development of agricultural, horticultural, mechanical, mineral, stock raising and all other industrial interests of Missouri.
The primary responsibility of the division, as a designed inspection agency by the United States Department of Agriculture is to provide the services pertaining to grain inspection as set out in The United States Grain Standards Act. As a disinterested third party, this division insures the buyer and seller of a fair market value of his/her grain. The duties consist of official sampling, inspection, weighing and chemical analysis of grain and official processed commodities supervision.
The Plant Industries Division is a regulatory and service agency of the Missouri Department of Agriculture and is subdivided into the following bureaus and functions: Bureau of Plant Pest Control, Bureau of Pesticide Control, Bureau of Feed and Seed.
The Missouri State Milk Board is a unit of the Department of Agriculture. The board consists of twelve (12) members, ten (10) of whom are nominated by the director of the Department of Agriculture, appointed by the governor, and confirmed by the senate. The board is directed by section 196.939, RSMo 2000, to adopt regulations for the control of Grade “A” milk sanitation.
The primary responsibility of this division is to maintain equity in the marketplace. This is accomplished by assuring the accuracy of weighing and measuring devices which are used commercially; monitoring the weighing and measuring practices of buyers and sellers alike to assure accuracy and fair dealing in the exchange of goods and services; establishing requirements for methods and tolerances for moisture-measuring devices; inspecting eggs to insure they meet proper grade standards for quality and size; prohibiting milk sales practices that unfairly divert trade from a competitor; establishing safety standards for handling and use of anhydrous ammonia, liquefied petroleum gases and petroleum products; and establishing quality standards for motor fuel. The division consists of four (4) programs to carry out these duties—Metrology Laboratory, Scale/ Egg/Milk Program, Petroleum/Propane/Anhydrous Ammonia Program and Grain Moisture Meter Program.
The Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority was created by Chapter 348, RSMo (1986). The authority was established as a public corporation to promote the development of agriculture, small business and pollution control facilities through the issuance of bonds.
The primary responsibilities of this division are to provide marketing services to producers, distributors and consumers of agricultural commodities and to administer the funds of the Rural Rehabilitation Corporation.